<p>Founders Park</p> Image

Founders Park

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Founders Book Fair. A 2-week long affair now raising in excess of $130k+ per annum over each of the past 10 years to help fund the park and preserve our history. This highlights the love of reading in our community.

Nelson Rotary has made a significant contribution to Founders Park. This includes members involved in the establishment of the attraction from initial planning to inception with the park opening in 1986. The relationship continues with Rotary members providing security and parking control to support fundraising through the annual “book fair” . With growth of the event the Rotary club of Whakatu has come on board to assist cover one of the extended days.

You can read about this in detail https://www.rotarynelson.nz/stories/the-founding-of-founders-park

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